Hinnakiri kehtiva hoolduslepingu korral/Price list with valid maintenance contract
Töö/teenus Work/sevice | Tööajal/During working time | Väljaspool tööaega, pühade ajal/Outside working hours, during holidays |
Telefonikonsultatsioon, kaughooldus/Telephone consultation, remote support | tasuta/free of charge | tasuta/free of charge |
Hooldustehniku väljakutse/Service technician visit | tasuta/free of charge | tasuta/free of charge |
Kohapealsed hooldustööd (min. aeg on pooltund), koolitusOn-site maintenance work (min. time is half an hour), training |
29 € pooltund/29 € for half an hour | 39 € pooltund/€39 for half an hour |
Kilomeetri hind, millele lisandub sõiduaja tasu: aeg x 50% vastava spetsialisti töötunni tasust
Kilometer price plus travel time fee: time x 50% of the hourly fee of the respective specialist |
0,40 € km | 0,40 € km |
Asendusseade (remondi ajaks)/Replacement device (repair time) | tasuta/free | tasuta/free |
Hinnakiri ilma kehtiva hoolduslepinguta/Price list without a valid maintenance contract
Töö/teenus Work/sevice | Tööajal/During working time | Väljaspool tööaega, pühade ajal/Outside working hours, during holidays |
Telefonikonsultatsioon, kaughooldus/Telephone consultation, remote support | 39 € pooltund/39€ for half an hour | 49 € pooltund/49€ for half an hour |
Hooldustehniku väljakutse/Service technician visit | 39 € kord/39€ one time | 49 € kord/49€ one time |
Kohapealsed hooldustööd (min. aeg on pooltund), koolitusOn-site maintenance work (min. time is half an hour), training
39 € pooltund/39€ for half an hour | 49 € pooltund/49€ for half an hour |
Kilomeetri hind, millele lisandub sõiduaja tasu: aeg x 50% töötunni tasust
Kilometer price plus travel time fee: time x 50% of the hourly fee of the respective specialist |
0,45 € km | 0,45 € km |
Asendusseade (remondi ajaks)/Replacement device (repair time) | 49 € kord/49€ for half an hour | 49 € kord/49€ for half an hour |
Hindadele lisandub käibemaks 20% /20% of VAT will be added to the prices
- Riiklike pühade ajal korrutatakse väljaspool tööaega hinnad koefitsendiga 2,0/During public holidays, out-of-hours prices are multiplied by a factor of 2.0
- Töövõtja esindaja kohaletuleku korral on teostavate tööde miinimumtasu pooltund. Hoolduslepinguta kliendile telefonikonsultatsiooni ja kaughoolduse miinimumtasu on pooltund (lepingulisele kliendile on kaughooldus lepingu hinna sees)./If the representative of the Contractor has to visit the Client, the minimum fee for services carried out there shall be for half hour. For clients without a maintenance contract, the minimum fee for phone consultation and distance maintenance is for half hour (for contractual clients the distance maintenance is included in the contract).
- Asendusseadme alla kuuluvad: kontroller, korpus, kaardilugeja, kapilukk, aku./The replacement device includes: controller, housing, card reader, cabinet lock, battery.
- Kilomeetri tasu arvestatakse Tallinnast väljasõitude korral. Tallinna piires sisaldub transport väljakutse tasu sees./The kilometer fee is calculated for departures from Tallinn.
- Tellija poolt tarnitud kiipide aktiveerimistasu Ektaco süsteemis on iga tüki eest 0,50 €./The activation fee for the chips supplied by the subscriber in the Ektaco system is €0.50 for each chip.
- Teenuse pakkujal on õigus teha ühepoolseid muudatusi teenuste hinnakirjas./The service provider has the right to make one-sided changes in the price list of services.